Personal Brand

As a designer I think it is of the upmost importance to keep a consistent brand. Messages are strongest and most meaningful when a brand is set up and guidelines are followed with clear intentions for a solution. For my personal brand I wanted to express my love of working with my hands as well as a clean and
concise visual identity. 

Logo: The short story-my initials in a box. The long story-the typeface is meant to be representative of being raised in Texas. I was a competitive equestrian eventer for years and still feel at home
in the saddle. 

Icons: I have always had a love of monoline design. I think that this approach is very easily applied towards making icons. Solving the problem of creating a visual message without words with as little lines as possible is always a very exciting challenge that excites
me as a designer.

Pattern: As a graphic designer sometimes I feel the need to make things by hand to keep in touch with my artistic side. These patterns are made of ink on paper that I scanned into the computer and arranged them abstractly to create a pattern.

